
N.C. Nandi, S.G. Patil et al


Fauna of Goa ( Vertebrates and Invertebrates)

By N.C. Nandi, S.G. Patil et al

Price : Rs1,500.00 | $ 60.00

Published by  : Zoological Survey of India

1. An overview/Anil Mahabal. 2. Parasitic Protozoa: blood protozoa (Haemoflagellates, Haemogregarines, Haemosporidians and Piroplasms/N.C. Nandi. 3. Land and freshwater Mollusca/S.G. Patil. 4. Chilopoda: Scolopendromorpha/P.M. Sureshan and B.E. Yadav. 5. Cladocera/Pramod D. Rane. 6. Land and Marine Isopods : Oniscidae, Sphaeromatidae (Crustacea : Isopoda)/M.K. Dev Roy. 7. Marine and estuarine crabs (Crustacea : Decapoda : Brachyura)/M.K. Dev Roy and S. Bhadra. 8. Anomuran Crabs: Diogenidae, Porcellanidae, Hippidae (Crustacea : Decapoda)/M.K. Dev Roy and K.N. Reddy etc... More

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